Why do parents try to shield their children from hurts? The whole society seems to be held hostage to people who feel children need to be protected from hurts – emotionally and physically. I believe it is better to teach children how to learn how to cope and live with these hurts that prepare them for life.
My son, when he was young, was considered a cute and popular boy who had little difficulty with school work. I remember thinking that he was in danger of becoming too full of himself. I decided to put him in a sport he was not good at. First, it was soccer. Gosh… there are some very rude parents. My son was subjected to, “We won’t win with him playing!”, “Why is he playing when it is the playoffs?” Some in the hearing range of my son! These parents certainly were not being a good example to children around them. Then he worked hard and got really good at it. So I plucked him out and put him in baseball. Again, the rudeness of some people..
I think the above things taught him many things, including:
1. Being Kind: Those rude parents shouting nasty advice to coaches were very hurtful. It is children’s soccer, folks. It certainly taught my son to be kind to those who are not thriving in a given environment
2. Being humble: Nobody is good at everything.
3. Being a hard worker:With effort and practice, you can get pretty good at anything.
It worked... I am so humble and kind.